Human Products for Dog Grooming
There might be a situation when we run out of time and forget to buy our dog grooming products. In the case of this situation, what do we do? Well, sometimes we might have to turn to using some human products for dog grooming. While some people do that, it is important to know which ones are safe to share and which ones aren’t. Today we tell you about human products for dog grooming. How and when to use them and which ones should you avoid at all costs.
So, do not forget to read our fabulous blog. There we give you the best advice. For example, have you ever wondered how to remove ticks from your dog? Discover it here.
Shampoo and conditioner
People might think that human shampoo is safe to use for dogs. And well, yes and no. First, we need to understand that a dog’s fur is more sensitive than our hair. That is why dog shampoo has different properties. The only shampoo that you can share with your dog is baby shampoo. Why? Because babies have sensitive hair as well. Using adult shampoo on dogs is not recommended.
So, do not use any product on your dog. It is better that you tell yourself and thus avoid damaging your dog’s fur. They have different hygiene conditions than ours.
The brushes
These ones are safe to share. As long as the brush isn’t too old. Some people prefer to recycle their brushes and use them on their dogs. That is perfect. However, we recommend doing that only after drying their fur. Why? Well, some human brushes might be harder than dog ones. Be sure of using one that will not hurt your dog.
If we are going to share a brush. We must make sure that the material is not going to hurt the skin of our dog. If we can, it is best to consult a professional. Dogs’ skin can be sensitive. Also, let’s make sure that if they will be recycled elements, that they are very well disinfected. To avoid the transmission of bacteria.
Clippers and Scissors
These ones might be one of the most interchangeable ones. These two are safe to share between humans and dogs. Some people prefer to have ones that are designed specifically for dogs’ nails. And that is good, there is a reason why they exist. But, if you ran out of time to get some, go for them. Same with scissors.
Some owners love having scissors that have double-edge teeth. But, if you don’t have any, use the same ones that you use.
Sharing is caring and for some products, it is not a big deal. Just be informed before using one or the other.
If you want to know about the types of scissors for dogs, you have to read our blog. Find information about this and much more.